New Dad Delight
One day Joy was doing a Besom assessment for a young couple who had just had a baby. Mum was still in hospital and due out that day. Dad was a little late but Joy waited with the worker until he arrived. Dad had come back to the house straight from the hospital for the…
Sparkling Freezer
Nearly four weeks of lockdown and Besom is still going strong. We will be delivering this later (fully complying with government regulations and best available safety advice). The recipient is so excited to be receiving it.
Our Latest Driver
Lockdown but not Lockout – operating social distance rules and taking every other possible precaution to protect ourselves, giver’s and recipients means we can operate a very limited service. Increased financial giving – through prayer – means we have been able to purchase new essential items on the Internet and have them delivered or by…
Thank You
To all at the Besom – My heartfelt thanks for all your help this year. I am overwhelmed by the lengths you all go to make life better for people as you all have, very much touched by your kindness. God bless you all – a recipient.
Assessments and All
Joy, whilst doing an assessment with a family, took a loan cooker in case it might be needed as a cooker was on the referral. She also took a starter pack with her. When she took the starter pack in at the end of the assessment the mum burst into tears. She said whilst Joy…
Stairgates and Samosas
I saw the van crew off this morning for what looked a fairly easy day. All they had on the list was a small DIY job fixing a stair gate and a couple of simple deliveries. It turned out that the stairgate was the most complex design possible and took them over three hours to…
A Bursting Heart
On Monday, Jayne, the leader of Restore at St Thomas Philadelphia was praying for one of the vulnerable members of Streetwise (a service for the marginalised) that they would receive a double bed. On Tuesday another member of Streetwise told her that he had a double bed that he needed to pass on. Jayne rang…