The Besom provides many ways in which people can give to those who are in need by sharing their Time, Skills, Money or Things. The hope is that each person is able to find a way of giving that most appeals to them. Please click on the links below for more information about each type of giving.
If you would like to talk to us about giving please ring07875 950170.
What Givers Say About Us
“I could never have imagined that the everyday items that so many of us take for granted could be so gratefully received by those who have so little. The joy in the faces of the recipients and the value that the Besom project adds to the community is worth every minute of the time that I give.” Time Giver.
“I had no idea how deeply and permanently I would be affected by coming face to face with such shocking poverty and exclusion in my immediate neighbourhood. It has completely transformed my faith and challenged me about my lifestyle.” Time Giver