If you would like to give a hamper through The Besom In Sheffield please download our leaflet by clicking on the button below. All the information you need is on the form but here is a quick summary:
Once you have downloaded the leaflet decide what type of hamper you would like to make. This might be for a single person or a family. It is helpful if you could contact us and let us know which type of recipient you would like to make a hamper for. This is so that we can match your hamper with a recipient as early as possible. Our contact details are on the leaflet or on this website under ‘Contact Us’.

Firstly decide what your hamper will be packed in. It is wonderful if the hamper could be packed into something useful such as a linen/wash basket or a storage box decorated with Christmas paper, trimmings etc. If that is not possible then a cardboard box suitable decorated would be equally acceptable.
Next decide what to put in your hamper. It is important that there is enough food to make several full meals. These can be placed in the bottom of the hamper After that then Christmas themed items such as mince pies, Christmas pudding and chocolate can go in the next layer. Please do not include fresh or close to use by date items.
Pack the rest of your hamper with items such as toiletries, hat, gloves and scarf, games and anything else your chosen family might like.
The recipients of our hampers have often experienced second best their whole lives. We believe everyone deserves the best, whatever their situation as we are all equally loved and valued by God. For this reason, please avoid putting value items, samples or freebies into your hamper. If you can, please consider buying from Fairtrade or luxury ranges.
THANK YOU for giving so generously this Christmas.