Many of us have good quality things that we do not use or need. Whether you want to give a set of cutlery or the contents of your kitchen – The Besom will ensure it makes a difference for someone who needs them.
This might be, for example, a single parent family escaping domestic violence, a homeless person living in a house for the first time in years or a family starting again after losing all they own in a house fire. These people may have absolutely nothing but The Besom gives people the chance to change that and transform their lives.
The Besom can accept any, excellent quality items that you need to start a home – from a spoon to a sofa! We believe that if God want you to give it then we will find a home for it. We also pass on good quality clothes and childrens toys to recipients or share them with other agencies in Sheffield.
We believe that people who have nothing should receive the very best that we can give, so that’s why we only accept good quality items. We want to build up those who receive what is given and for them to feel blessed by the process so we only pass on the best quality items to those who have little or no choice.

How to give
If you have good quality items you wish to give through the Besom we would love to help you pass them onto individuals and families who genuinely need them. Please do contact us and we will make your giving as smooth as possible. Sometimes we might ask you to hold onto your items until we can pass them on.
Sofas & other soft furnishings must have a fire tag on them and all electrical items must be less than 10 years old. TVs must be digital compatible with a SCART socket (for digibox). If they have a digibox that is the best. Soft toys must have CE labels on.
Starter packs
A starter pack is a collection of essential household items which provide the basics which are necessary when setting up a home for the first time.
A starter pack is an easy way for a group or an individual to help those being rehoused after a period of homelessness. It is a simple way to show love for someone in need and makes a great group or family activity.
Examples of items included are – a washing basket, High TOG Duvet, Pillows, Bedding, Bath and hand towels, Tea towels, Plates, bowls and mugs, Cutlery, Tin Opener, Potato Peeler, Pans, Toaster, Kettle, Dustpan and brush, Light bulbs etc. This is not an exhaustive list – please feel free to be creative.
Christmas hampers
Imagine Christmas without presents, decorations, or special food: this is a reality for many people today. You can make a difference this year and bring a bit of sparkle into homes, which have so little. Recipients of hampers will be local people who have been supported by the Besom in Sheffield since last Christmas. If you or your group or family would like to put a hamper together then give us a ring and we will send you a leaflet which explains in more detail how you can make someone’s Christmas