The Besom provides many ways in which people can give to those who are in need by sharing their Time, Skills, Money or Things. The hope is that each person is able to find a way of giving that most appeals to them. Please click on the links below for more information about each type of giving.
If you would like to talk to us about giving please ring 07875 950170.

Part of our mission is to grow an authentic, prayerful and worshipping networked community of faith-filled believers. Together we present tangible proof that God delights to hear and answer specific prayers. How?
We encourage one another to prayerfully depend on God for everything. And we have the joy of encountering God’s heart for those in need and witnessing His incredible provision through matching prayer.
Matching prayer is when a Besom becomes aware of a specific need. We don’t publicise it or try to solve it in our strength or resources. We pray. And time and time again, we have the joy of a phone call or passing conversation with somebody donating the exact thing that was prayed for at the perfect time.
Why not join in with our rhythm of prayer and share in the blessings of this ministry?
Perhaps you have 2-3 hours a week or a month free and are willing to do whatever you can to answer that call of God on your life … to give your time to those in need. Maybe you’d love to just give a one-off day and are wondering what you could do to help.
Besom unlocks your response, “Yes, send me!”, by helping you consider and find your “How?”. Get in touch with your local Besom to offer your time. There may be something specific you’d love to get involved with or perhaps you’re just keen to help out wherever you can. Besom’s primary focus is tailored toward enabling followers of Jesus to serve those in need effectively. Perhaps we could help you put God’s love into action?
Individual time-givers come from congregations local to any of our current Besoms, and will need a reference from a church leader.

You will never find us running fundraising campaigns, crowd-funding or proactively applying for grants. However, we do enable followers of Jesus to put God’s love into action by encouraging generous and effective giving. We hope you will be praying and seeking God’s wishes for how you steward your resources in relation to money. It isn’t important how much you give but the heart with which you give it. Whatever it is, thank you for joining us on the Besom mission.

You can give your skills as an individual or as a group of friends. Maybe we can connect you with a family who would love their children to be able to play safely outdoors in what is currently an overgrown jungle. Or with a mum who’d love to treat their children to a nicely decorated bedroom but just can’t manage on her own.
There’s countless people who could use the skills you have to see their lives transformed. Let’s see who we can connect you with!

Many of us have good quality things that we do not use or need, local Besoms provide a service that enables you to pass them on to people who really need them. We call this intentional and connected giving.
Those who are re-housed are often given homes with absolutely nothing in them. People escaping domestic violence may have to leave all their possessions behind.
Through a network of contacts in social services, charities, refugee and family centres, local Besoms constantly hear about people living on the edge of daily existence. With your help, we are able to match up the things given with the needs we hear about, and the service is absolutely free to the recipient.
What Givers Say About Us
“I could never have imagined that the everyday items that so many of us take for granted could be so gratefully received by those who have so little. The joy in the faces of the recipients and the value that the Besom project adds to the community is worth every minute of the time that I give.”
Time Giver
“I had no idea how deeply and permanently I would be affected by coming face to face with such shocking poverty and exclusion in my immediate neighbourhood. It has completely transformed my faith and challenged me about my lifestyle.”
Time Giver